Загрузка изображений на jQuery

$(function () {
//@ my flicker link
var flickr_set = 'http://www.flickr.com/photos/87187920@N00/';
//@ id of div where the loading informations visible
var _loadDivId = 'loadnote';
//@ id of the ul container
var _imgContainerId = 'container';
//@ style of li loading (spinner image)
var _imageLoadClassName = 'loading';
//@ grab the images
var images = $('ul#'+_imgContainerId+' li img');
//@ image length
var max = images.length;
//@ remove them from DOM to prevent normal load
$('ul#'+_imgContainerId+' li').remove();
//@ loading div object
var loadDiv = null;
//@ start loading
loadDiv = $('<div id="'+_loadDivId+'" style="display:none"></div>').appendTo($('body'));
//@ Loading Function Handler
function LoadImage(index,max)
// loading div update
$('#'+_loadDivId).html("Loading "+(index+1)+" of "+max).fadeIn("fast");
// add list to ul
var list = $('<li id="_img'+index+'"></li>').attr('class',_imageLoadClassName).appendTo('ul#'+_imgContainerId);
// new image object
var img = new Image();
// current image
var curr = $("li#_img"+index);
// load current image
$(img).load(function ()
//@ hide it first + .hide() failed in safari
//@ remove loading class from li and insert the image into it
//@ optional wrap with link
$(this).wrap('<a href="'+flickr_set+'"></a>');
//@ fade it in
if(index == (max-1))
//@ remove loading div after all images loaded
//@ we are inform loading next item
$(loadDiv).html('Wait Loading Next Item ...');
//@ delay 2 secons and load next item *uses jquery timer plugin*
$(this).oneTime("2s", function() { LoadImage(index+1,max); });
}).error(function () {
//@ if loading error remove li
//@ try to load next item
}).attr('src', $(images[index]).attr('src'));
На правах рекламы: розетки выключатели abb . onetto . Профессиональная программа для риэлторов.