soap-client - soap клиент на чистом php
Пример использования
// composer auto loader
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
// instantiate the main container class
// the name was defined by --dest-class=GlobalWeather/Container/SoapClientContainer
// parameter during the generation process
$container = new SoapClientContainer();
// create a JMS serializer instance
$serializer = SoapContainerBuilder::createSerializerBuilderFromContainer($container)->build();
// get the metadata from the container
$metadata = $container->get('goetas.soap_client.metadata_reader');
$factory = new ClientFactory($metadata, $serializer);
* @var $client \GlobalWeather\SoapStubs\WeatherSoap
// get the soap client
$client = $factory->getClient('');
// call the webservice
$result = $client->getWeather(2010, "May", "USA");