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php-spider - скрипт пхп паука с обширным функционалом

 tags from a certain 
$spider->getDiscovererSet()->set(new XPathExpressionDiscoverer("//div[@id='catalogs']//a")); // Set some sane options for this example. In this case, we only get the first 10 items from the start page. $spider->getDiscovererSet()->maxDepth = 1; $spider->getQueueManager()->maxQueueSize = 10; // Let's add something to enable us to stop the script $spider->getDispatcher()->addListener( SpiderEvents::SPIDER_CRAWL_USER_STOPPED, function (Event $event) { echo "\nCrawl aborted by user.\n"; exit(); } ); // Add a listener to collect stats to the Spider and the QueueMananger. // There are more components that dispatch events you can use. $statsHandler = new StatsHandler(); $spider->getQueueManager()->getDispatcher()->addSubscriber($statsHandler); $spider->getDispatcher()->addSubscriber($statsHandler); // Execute crawl $spider->crawl(); // Build a report echo "\n ENQUEUED: " . count($statsHandler->getQueued()); echo "\n SKIPPED: " . count($statsHandler->getFiltered()); echo "\n FAILED: " . count($statsHandler->getFailed()); echo "\n PERSISTED: " . count($statsHandler->getPersisted()); // Finally we could do some processing on the downloaded resources // In this example, we will echo the title of all resources echo "\n\nDOWNLOADED RESOURCES: "; foreach ($spider->getDownloader()->getPersistenceHandler() as $resource) { echo "\n - " . $resource->getCrawler()->filterXpath('//title')->text(); }

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