Timeliny - jquery скрипт горизонтального таймлайна

import { createRenderer, render } from 'fela'
// rules are just plain functions of props
// returning a valid object of style declarations
const rule = props => ({
fontSize: props.fontSize + 'px',
marginTop: props.margin ? '15px' : 0,
color: 'red',
lineHeight: 1.4,
':hover': {
color: 'blue',
fontSize: props.fontSize + 2 + 'px'
// nest media queries and pseudo classes
// inside the style object
'@media (min-height: 300px)': {
backgroundColor: 'gray',
':hover': {
color: 'black'
// Creates a new renderer to render styles
const renderer = createRenderer()
// Rendering the rule returns a className reference
// which can be attached to any element
const className = renderer.renderRule(rule, { fontSize: 12 }))
console.log(className) // => c0 c0-aw22w
// renders all styles into the DOM
render(renderer, mountNode)